Many things happened in last year. I’m not going to discuss all of them, but my wish to go around the world and start my official ‘gypsy’ life – edition #2 had grown exponentially. Maybe funny to hear that from a person who moved 10 times in last 5 years between four different countries.

My last big move was 2 years ago when I bought one way ticket to Barcelona. While in Barcelona I actually didn’t screw my moving average and in the end ended up living in four different flats. Recently 5 to be precise πŸ™‚ Things don’t always go the way you plan, but actually it doesn’t matter.

As I get ask (tooooo) many times – “Why Barcelona?” Well. There is no special story behind. No boyfriends or girlfriends involved. I just thought is a cool place to live there for awhile. And indeed is it!

In last month I was making a big selection of what I really need and want and wish to keep – and fit everything into my backpack! It’s hard to believe how much (useless) stuff you accumulate when staying in one place for too long. I still think that I don’t own much things, but there are still too many. I usually pack in last 15 minutes, but this time I need to sort stuff and some logistic – what to save and where, what to sell, what to give away and what to send to another part of the continent. Spanish post, please don’t screw me! Edit: got a notice yesterday – package is already waiting for me to pick up!

In my next life I swear I won’t be a designer and will do the job that can be done from tablet and I will consider photos from my Android 2.3 phone as excellent! It would make my backpack way lighter or make up much more space for useless stuff … but – this is what makes me happy! <3

Dear Barcelona, I really had much fun, even though I struggled (too) many times if this is the right place for me. In the end you were my home. Met amazing people and friends. Played countless hours of beach volley, made awesome hiking trips and pretty much enjoyed spanish “simplified forms” for whatever it was. Well, I’m sure I will be back!

So, my backpack is packed. pair of jeans, pair of shorts, skirt, 5 t-shirts, a shirt, a sweater, 12 socks (I think none of them has pair), 8 underwear, running shoes, running “outfit :), rain coat, sleeping bag, winter hat (oh yeah!!), toot brush and all tech gear that I can’t live without (macbook, wacom tablet, hyperjuice, nikon & some more photo stuff, tripod mini, gopro, all the chargers ..). My salad pot! And passport. And arafat scarf! Total 12kg. Crap. Will have to master all the things to fit to Ryanair hand luggage, but really not sure what I can forget somewhere on the way.

Hitting the road tomorrow! Hitchhiking towards airport 1200+ km away and visiting some known faces on the way – at least for a beer or two or ten. Hopefully I’m not going to miss my flight like once in Brussels, otherwise I’m going to stay without my official vacation for this year. And this should not happen!

And to all the suckers that still haven’t figured out where my vacation destination is – because your geo knowledge sucks πŸ™‚ (or I didn’t ask you to join me, hehe). Here are some hints:

1. There is no ebola! Haha πŸ™‚
2. I’m not changing the timezone (so, at least for now is in central European time).
3. The place is/qualify as a desert.
4. There is an animal that can eat me.

Until here someone said: “Ana, you are sooo coming to Poland! We have a desert here!”

5. I need a passport (ID is not enough).

Another friend said: “But you are not going to spam me from Nigeria, right?

6. If you live there, you are not allowed to have cat as a pet.

7. Airport & city name starts with “L”. No, it’s not London, because London is in different timezone as Barcelona. Neither Lille, ŁódΕΊ, Lillehamer or Larnaca.

8. It’s summer there.
9. It’s not the country capital but definitely the biggest in the area.
10. Zoom in Google Maps.

That’s it.